The MSc in Science, Technology and Policy is a full-time specialised interdisciplinary Master's degree programme.

A variety of courses linking the different disciplines and providing a broad spectrum of expertise are offered to our STP Master's students. All courses are taught in English.
Case studies focus on using the knowledge gained in the core and minor courses to further investigate the interdependencies between the natural or engineering sciences and the political as well as social sciences.
The Download Case Study Guidelines can be downloaded here (PDF, 93 KB).
Mininum credits: 12 ECTS
The internship is a voluntary part of the MSc curriculum. It aims at making students familiar with policy analysis in a real-world setting, for instance in a government agency, a NGO, a regulatory or public affairs division of a private sector firm, or a consulting firm focused on policy analysis.
The programme offers two different options:
- A short internship which corresponds to a workload of 180 working hours, is to be completed within 3 months (6 ECTS points).
- A long internship which corresponds to a workload of 360 working hours, is to be completed within 6 months (12 ECTS points).
With the Master’s thesis, students demonstrate their ability to conduct independent scientific work. Students have six months to complete the Master’s thesis, which is equivalent to a full-time semester workload.
More information on the thesis and the guidelines can be found on the STP Master's Thesis Page.
Below you can find the list of Core Courses, Minor Courses, Electives and Case Studies that are offered in the ongoing semester respectively were offered in the semester before.
The lists of courses in the electives and minor categories are incomplete. Students can choose other courses upon approval by the Director of Studies. For the acceptance of further courses, students need to send a request to the student office.
Sustainability Course Catalogue
ETH sustainability provides a list of courses relating to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and sustainability at large.
Additional information
Performance assessment is decided by each lecturer depending on the course goals. All course assessments can be found in the course catalogue. To learn more about different performance assessment types, take a look at ETH's official performance assessment page. Additionally, the ETH Guidelines on Grading Written Examinations can be found here.
If you wish to appeal ETH decisions (such as admissions decisions, grades, disability compensation etc.), see the ETH official Legal Action webpage.