New deputy director of ISTP
Prof. Bernhard Wehrli has been appointed by rector Prof. Sarah Springman, upon unanimous recommendation by the ISTP Institute Conference, as the new deputy director of the ISTP.

We are happy to announce that Prof. Bernhard Wehrli has been appointed by rector Prof. Sarah Springman, upon unanimous recommendation by the ISTP Institute Conference, as the new deputy director of the ISTP. Bernhard Wehrli was closely involved in developing the original business plan for the ISTP and has played a key role in getting the ETH executive board to support the launch of the ISTP. We are very grateful that he will now continue his engagement with even greater intensity.
We would like to take this opportunity to wholeheartedly thank Prof. Reza Abhari for serving as the deputy director up to now and for his great contribution to getting the ISTP off to a very good start. Reza Abhari has contributed greatly, and will continue to do so, to two of the three research incubator teams and also the ISTP’s teaching activity.
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