ISTP Colloquium talk by Prof. Hiroaki Matsuura

A talk about economic and demographic effects of emergency risk communication based on evidence from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster will take place at the Institute of Science, Technology and Policy on Tuesday, 2nd October 2018 at 17:15 - 18:30.
The politics of climate change and the role of environmental economics: Australia's case

Prof. Frank Jotzo of ANU (Australian National University) Crawford School of Public Policy visited ISTP on September 20, 2018 to talk about the recent history of Australian climate change policy and the politics surrounding it. He also presented results from ongoing research on the energy transition away from coal to renewable energy sources.
IDEA League Summer School 2018 in Filzbach, Switzerland

The 5-day IDEA League summer school, organised by ISTP, was a success with the participation of 56 students from eleven leading universities, debating how they, the next generation of thinkers and leaders can use their disciplinary knowledge to reduce society’s environmental footprint.
“ETH+” is taking shape

Two Professors, members of our Institute, Isabel Günther & Stefan Bechtold will get funding for their projects in the first round of the ETH+ initiative. Congratulations!
A “technology-smart” battery policy strategy for Europe

The paper is co-authored by the Energy Politics Group’s (EPG) Martin Beuse, EPG's & ISTP's associate member Tobias Schmidt, as well as Prof. Vanessa Wood from ETH’s Electrical Engineering department.
ISTP Colloquium talk by Prof. Frank Jotzo

A talk about Australia's politics of climate change and the role of environmental economics will take place at the Institute of Science, Technology and Policy on Thursday, 20th September 2018 at 16:15 - 17:30.