Tenants Should Drive Electric Vehicles Too, highlights an article published in the "Tages-Anzeiger"
The Swiss Daily Newspaper Tages-Anzeiger recently published an insightful article about the preliminary results of an ETH Zurich Mobility research project. According to these, electric mobility is not suitable for mass use yet. “Charging stations close to apartment facilities should change that,” says ETH Prof. Thomas Bernauer, who gave a talk together with various experts in the field of Electric Mobility on Tuesday, January 14, 2020.

In 2019, around 6 percent of the new car fleet was either electric cars or plug-in-hybrids. This is a record figure, which is expected to be already broken this year: "Auto-Schweiz", the association of Swiss car importers, aims to increase the share of so-called plug-in electric vehicles by up to 10 percent. However, electric mobility is not suitable for mass use yet.
For the full article, please visit the external page Tages-Anzeiger homepage (available in German). For more information, please also visit the Swiss Mobility Lab webpage.