Zurich Life Science Day 2020

The Life Science Zurich Young Scientist Network invites you to the 11th edition of the largest life science career event in Switzerland - the Zurich Life Science Day 2020!

Enlarged view: Zurich Life Science Day
Image: Life Science Zurich Young Scientist Network / Steven Kohl and Diana Laires

This anual event, organised by the Life Science Zurich Young Scientist Network, takes place at the Lichthof of the University of Zurich, Campus Irchel.

Join us on the 28th of January 2020 and interact with representatives from more than 40 companies, in our company exhibition. This year we are excited to welcome Prof. Ben Feringa from the Univeristy of Groningen, Netherlands, as our keynote speaker. Prof. Feringa was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2016 for his pioneering work on nanomotors. He is also a member and vice-president of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and was elected Foreign Honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2008.

Following the keynote lecture, you will have the opportunity to listen to informative talks about career options covering a range of topics from medical affairs at AstraZeneca, regulatory affairs at VIFOR, chief revenue officer at Celerion and positions at Red Cross. In addition, the ZLSD 2020 hosts a large exhibition, where you can talk directly with company representatives. You can also book one-on-one meetings with the companies of interest, have your CV polished by career experts from ETH, and have a professional CV photo taken.

If you want to learn more about Prof. Feringa’s work with molecular switches and motors and broaden your horizon about your future career options in industry be sure to join us on the 28th of January 2020 in the Lichthof of the Irchel Campus at the University of Zurich.

When registered you will have the opportunity to book peripheral events like CV checks and one-on-one meetings starting from 15th of December 2019 at 1pm (1st round) and 15th of January 2020 at 1pm (2nd round).

Life Science Day 2020: Where you meet industry

external page Registration

Registration closes on 20th of January 2020 at midnight

For current information about the program, participating companies and  registration instructions, please visit the external page Life Science Zurich Young Scientist Network homepage.

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