“Public lighting in informal settlements – using a Virtual Environment to test lighting technology” – Announcement of Lecture at Universidad Nacional de Colombia

ISTP PhD Students David Kretzer & Michael Walczak will give a lecture on public lighting in informal settlements at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogotá on Tuesday, 17. March 2020, at 18.00.

Enlarged view: Public lighting in informal settlements Lecture
Announcement of Lecture by David Kretzer & Michael Walczak

Rapid urbanization worldwide has led to public service challenges in informal neighborhoods. The provision of public lighting in informal settlements is crucial for the night-time life of the residents. However, it is challenged by the informal settlements’ constant physical transformation, causing horizontal and vertical building densification.

This lecture presents the impact of Virtual Environments (VEs) on the planning of lighting schemes and the advantages provided by VEs with regard to the communication of lighting-technology-related issues to policy-makers over common means of communication.  

Find out more about the Virtual Environments project & the research activities of the Urban Research Incubator.  

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