Reflecting on the NEO/ISTP Panel Discussion on 4 March 2020: Corporate Responsibility in the Minerals Sector

Minerals constitute the essential raw materials to sustain the present-day civilization. We need coal for energy, iron ore for steel and various other minerals for many other essentials. Mining of such minerals however, has major effects on the natural and social environment. This panel gave insights into the minerals trade of Switzerland and its environmental impacts. It emphasized the need for transparency, commitment and implementation of performance standards within the sector.

by Marina Voudrisli

NEO Panel Discussion 2020: Responsible Mining

Mining – which comprises both mineral exploitation and processing operations – has historically been one of the industrial activities that have contributed the most to the economic development of humanity. Modern societies rely on mined minerals and metals to function. Nearly everything manufactured or constructed – from buildings to roads to computers to automobiles – contains material mined from the Earth. Mining also provides important employment and financial opportunities for host communities and countries. However, it constitutes a complex and intensive process with significant adverse impacts.

The report below summarizes and reflects on the NEO/ISTP Panel on Responsible Mining, which took place on March 4, 2020. This panel gave insights into the minerals trade of Switzerland and its environmental impacts. It emphasized the need for transparency, commitment and implementation of performance standards within the sector.

We would like to warmly thank all panelists and participants for sharing their interesting thoughts and providing insights into responsible mining. We would also like to thank the external page NEO Network for co-hosting the panel discussion.  

NEO Panel: Corporate Responsibility in the Minerals Sector
NEO Panel: Corporate Responsibility in the Minerals Sector

Introduction Talk

By Livia Cabernard  

Panel Discussion

From Academia:

From the Industry:

From the Government:

Moderated by:

  • Nicolas Solenthaler, Institute of Science, Technology and Policy, ETH Zürich.

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