ETH4D Research Challenges - Call for Proposals
The call for ETH4D Research Challenges is now open. Proposals need to address a clearly defined research question that has the objective of creating a positive impact for communities in a low- or lower middle-income country. All proposals will be evaluated by an ETH4D selection committee and the application deadline is September 30th.

Background & Definition
The objective of ETH for Development (ETH4D) is to develop innovative solutions that effectively address the challenges of the global population and to educate the future leaders of sustainable development, who will work towards decreasing global poverty and inequality, as well as protecting our planet.
An ETH4D Research Challenge needs to be a clearly defined research question that has the objective of creating a positive impact for people living in low- and middle-income countries. It must be a research question related to (a) the research interests of an ETH Zurich research group and (b) the current or future work of a private or public organisation. The challenges addressed must be relevant for poor people in low- and lower-middle income countries. Preference will be given to low-income countries.
- For further information and the application documents, please visit the ETH4D Research Challenges homepage.
- For questions regarding the ETH4D Research Challenges, please visit the ETH4D Research Challenges FAQ webpage.