Congratulations to our MSc STP Graduates!
'Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.' This was the quote for this year's D-GESS Graduation Ceremony 2021 which took place last week. Five excellent graduates proudly represented the Institute of Science, Policy and Techonology at the celebrations.

Prof. Dr. Lars-Erik Cederman (Director D-GESS) opened the ceremony warmly by greeting the graduates, their families and friends. After the welcome, three MA CIS graduates held a speech sprinkled with humour and dedication for their subject of study and professors. The recognitions started with Prof. Dr. Andreas Kilchner (Study Director MA GPW) and Prof. Dr. Dominik Hangartner (Director of Studies MA CIS) congratulating the graduates of their fields of research.
Prof. Dr. Tobias Schmidt (Director of ISTP) opened his speech by admitting that this was his first Graduation Ceremony ever to attend because he never made it to his own. Schmidt took up a simile one of the graduates used in her speech about how engineers only have an eye on how the job gets done but not at what costs. Having studied engineering himself, Schmidt can relate to this problem very well. To avoid such dilemmas in the future and enable an interdisciplinary perspective, the MSc STP was created. Tobias Schmidt sincerely thanked the graduates for their courage to choose this new programme and for constantly helping improve it. He finished his speech by wishing them all the best for their academic and personal future.
Read more about the Master's Thesis and the Graduation Ceremony 2021.