Mobility Pricing

Mobility pricing has been discussed broadly in Switzerland within the last few years. This is due to the capacity limit of the existing infrastructure, the uncertain financing of road traffic, as well as external effects such as environmental problems, noise pollution, and urban sprawl.

The acceptance among the population is not only important as an approval of the majority of the Swiss voting population is needed, but also to increase long-lasting behavioral change. Research on public support of mobility pricing has shown that is has to be effective and efficient in order to be accepted by individuals. Still, there is only little knowledge on how such a policy proposal should be designed in order to gain public support.

The goal is to assess how a mobility pricing scheme should be designed in order to increase public support. Therefore, the following research questions will be investigated:

Research Questions

  • What is the most efficient and effective design of a mobility pricing policy?
  • What explains variance in citizens’ support for different mobility pricing policy designs?

You can read more about the Methods used to address our research questions.

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