Swiss Mobility Panel
The Swiss Mobility Panel examines mobility behavior in Switzerland, its changes over time and the connection with attitudes towards environmental policy measures in the transport sector. Our priority is to examine the political feasibility of policies to achieve a more environmentally friendly transportation system.
- Results Report on ownership of means of mobility, mobility behavior, and political preferences in Switzerland (4th wave, 2nd Baseline survey of the Swiss Mobility Panel) is now available. Read the full report (only available in German).
- Journal Article in Transport Policy: external page “How much should public transport services be expanded, and who should pay? Experimental evidence from Switzerland” by Florian Lichtin, E. Keith Smith, Kay W. Axhausen, and Thomas Bernauer.
- Short Report on new levy on electric cars (5th wave of the Swiss Mobility Panel) is now available. Read the full report (only available in German), our news article on the report or read the full blog post on ETH's Zukunftsblog in English or German.
Panel respondents: In order to participate in the survey, please proceed to the questionnaire page.
German website: Weitere Informationen auf Deutsch finden Sie unter Schweizer Mobilitätspanel.

The mobility of the Swiss population, measured in km/day, has been increasing steadily for years. This is pushing both public and private transportation capacities to their limits. At the same time, Switzerland will fall far short of its 2020 climate protection targets, and while emissions from the transport sector have hardly reduced at all, it seems very difficult to find the necessary political majorities for drastic measures.
Against this backdrop, the Swiss Mobility Panel explores public opinion dynamics in Switzerland in relation to mobility preferences and behavior, changes therein, and linkages to preferences and behavior in other policy realms.
Having started in October 2020, the Swiss Mobility Panel is an ongoing research project, a collaboration between the research group International Political Economy and Environmental Politics and the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems at the Institute of Science, Technology and Policy of ETH Zurich.

The video is also available in French and Italian: See the external page French video here and the external page Italian video here.
Peer-reviewed Articles
Lichtin, F., Smith, E.K., Axhausen, K. W. & Bernauer, T. (2024). "external page How much should public transport services be expanded, and who should pay? Experimental evidence from Switzerland.". Transport Policy, 158, 64-74.
Lichtin, F., Smith, E.K., Axhausen, K. W. & Bernauer, T. (2024). external page How to design publicly acceptable road pricing? Experimental insights from Switzerland. Ecological Economics, 212, 108102.
Policy Briefs
Alessio Levis and Thomas Bernauer (2024). Neue Abgabe auf Elektroautos - Wie sollte diese aus Sicht der Schweizer Wohnbevölkerung aussehen?
Lea Stapper and Thomas Bernauer (2023). external page Tempo 30 in Schweizer Städten? Was möchte die Schweizer Wohnbevölkerung: Kurzbericht mit Daten aus dem Schweizer Mobilitätspanel und Umweltpanel.
- News Articles on the results of the short report on Tempo 30
- Tagesanzeiger:
- NZZ:
- Tagesanzeiger:
Wave 1: Baseline survey
- Survey period: Autumn 2020
- Results report wave 1 (Baseline survey - in German)
- Report data (figures and tables)
- The Download codebook (PDF, 561 KB) is available for download.
Wave 2: Core Topic - Mobility pricing / transport in times of COVID-19
- Survey period: Summer 2021
- Results report wave 2 (in German)
- Report data (figures and tables)
- The Download codebook (PDF, 966 KB) is also available for download.
Wave 3: Core Topic - Priority Evaluator / Tempo 30
- Survey period: Spring 2022
- Results report wave 3 (in German)
- Report data (figures and tables)
- The Download codebook (PDF, 1.5 MB) is also available for download.
Wave 4: Core Topic - Baseline survey / Public transport preferences after Covid-19
- Survey period: Winter 2022
- Results report wave 4 (2nd Baseline survey - in German)
- The Download codebook (PDF, 2 MB) is also available for download.
Data for the Swiss Mobility Panel will be available to the public on external page SWISSUbase in the future.
Understanding what the public thinks, what they do and what changes they want to see happen is an important component for social and political life. Social surveys provide an excellent source of such data, helping people, business, governments and policy makers better understand our mobile lives. Currently, there are more limited surveys in the field of mobility studies, none of which follow the same individuals over a longer period of time (“within subject” design). Accordingly, the Swiss Mobility Panel helps fill this knowledge gap, providing insight on how, why, and in which ways people use different mobility tools, and ways in which they would like to see this change in the future.
The Swiss Mobility Panel is based on a representative sample of the Swiss resident population over 18 years of age, provided by the harmonized population registry of the Swiss Federal Statistical Agency (Bundesamtes für Statistik, BFS/SRPH). This sample includes the full resident population, Swiss and non-Swiss nationalities. Respondents are invited with a letter in the main language of their municipality. The survey can be taken electronically in German, French, Italian or English via an online platform. The project is a panel study, i.e. the same persons are surveyed repeatedly. The project conducts two survey rounds per year.
Principal Investigators
Project Coordinators
Decision Science Laboratory Coordinator
Project Team
- Patricia Wäger
- Paola Gagliardi
- Lukas Walker
- Gian-Luca Kaufmann
- Maée Paroz
- Tim Baumgärtner
Alumni and former Employees
- Giordano Giannoccolo (Project Team)
- Bianca Clément (Project Team)
- Fredrik Wallin (Project Team)
- Stefano Amberg (Project Team)
- Jan Linder (Project Team)
- Patricia Maissen (Project Team)
- Elea Seidlmann (Project Team)
- Hanna Pahls (Project Team)