The Impact of Lighting Technology and Design on Public Lighting Policies for Informal Settlements

Nowadays, about a billion people live in informal dwelling conditions. This number illustrates that such kind of housing constitutes a noteworthy phenomenon in todays’ urbanisation. This project is investigating one particular aspect of informal urbanism, namely public lighting for pedestrians and their outdoor activities. The aim of this baseline study is to contribute to a reduction of socio-spatial inequality in contemporary urban environments by developing a luminaire family based on state-of-the-art lighting technology that considers the special lighting application requirements of the informal urban fabric in cities of the Global South, as well as the social structure of the residents living within it.

This project is lead by David Kretzer
Project Thematic
Policy Relevance
Besides developing an informal-settlement-specific luminaire family, the project also deals with policy recommendations required for the implementation of such lighting technology.