
We welcome applications to the MSc ETH in Science, Technology and Policy (STP) from ambitious students with a Bachelor's degree in natural sciences or engineering, including architecture and mathematics.

Application Window

Candidates with a Swiss Bachelor's degree can apply for the autumn semester of 2025 between April 1 and April 30, 2025.

All other prospective students with an international Bachelor’s degree are invited to submit applications for the autumn 2026 semester.

For further information, please refer to the ETH Applications page.

Entry Requirements

Successful candidates must hold a Bachelor's degree with minimum 180 ECTS in natural sciences or engineering (including architecture and mathematics). We suggest that people who already hold a Master's degree and have professional experience check our continuing education programme in Technology and Public Policy.

All candidates must submit an application online and are subject to individual assessment by the admissions committee. Please check the programme regulations (Chapter 3 regarding admission on pages 9-10) and its appendix (e.g., prerequisites and admission).

General information regarding admission and application can be found on the ETH application page.

Application Process

ETH invites applications from suitable candidates to commence the MSc ETH STP programme in the Autumn semester. There is no Spring intake.

How to Apply?

  1. Check if you meet the necessary application prerequisites, depending on your background. You can do this by clicking the info page corresponding to your background on the ETH application page. Here you can also view what documents you will need for the application and other general information.
  2. Please also check the programme regulations and its appendix (e.g., prerequisites and admission).
  3. Make sure you have the necessary language skills.
  4. Fill in the online application form. (Please check the programme-specific documents.)
  5. To accept an offer, please follow the steps outlined on the ETH admissions office website.
  6. Begin your ETH journey by checking out the onboarding process.

Important information: In your motivation letter, applicants are kindly asked to mention the minor they wish to apply for.

Contacts for Questions:

  • For questions regarding the Application procedure, please contact the ETH Admissions Office.
  • Questions regarding the Master's programme can be addressed directly to the ISTP.
  • For frequently asked questions, check our FAQ Section.
  1. What are the prerequisites?  

    A short summary of the most important requirements is given under sections 1.1 and 1.2 in the Download Programme Regulations 2019 of the Master’s degree programme in Science, Technology and Polic (PDF, 163 KB)

  2. Is there a minimum average grade? 

    No, but a very good study performance record in the preceding course of studies is required. 
    The motivation letter is also important to help the admissions committee to decide about your application. We are looking for excellent students from leading universities with strong academic records. Provide an insightful motivation letter - one page in the English language - explaining why you have chosen this Master's programme. Please, also mention to which specialisation (minor) you wish to apply. Your choice of a minor should match your academic accomplishments. 

  3. Does the programme accept incoming exchange students? 

    Unfortunately, the programme cannot accept incoming exchange students. 

  4. What are the jobs that the MSc ETH STP would prepare me for? 

    The MSc ETH STP is designed for students seeking careers that require not only an outstanding education in natural sciences or engineering but also strong skills for analysing and managing existing public policies and evaluating proposed solutions to key societal problems. 

    The combination of science, engineering, and policy analysis skills is in high demand, particularly in government agencies, technology and life science firms, industry, consulting firms, international organisations, NGOs, and academia. Please, refer to the Testimonials of our students and alumni. Also refer to the STP Alumni Page, as well as to the external page STP Alumni LinkedIn group, to explore more job prospects' information.

  5. Is it possible for the MSc STP students to participate in an exchange programme?

    Students of the MSc ETH in Science, Technology and Policy may not take part in an ETH Zurich exchange programme. Nevertheless, individual exchanges are possible during a leave of absence semester, but mobility credits in no case will be recognised towards the Master’s programme.

MORE FAQ answered by the ETH Admissions Office.

Note: if anything is unclear or you have further questions, please contact the ISTP directly.

All further information regarding admissions and credit transfer is available on the ETH Admissions Office webpage.

  • Information that has to be provided in your online application (uploads are not possible):
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