Colloquium: Anne Graupner
Tuesday, 20th October 2020, at 17.15 - 18.30
Online (Zoom)
Meeting ID: 930 3600 1973
Counteracting Shifting Baselines

The use of public space, informal trade, the taxi industry and informal settlements are direct responses to a segregated landscape and structural challenges in South Africa's young democracy. Informality plays a role in crossing the barriers constructed through colonial and Apartheid planning but is also a result of rural-urban migration. Adequate responses to city-making or the production of inclusive environments cannot be generated by one discipline or theoretical framework alone.
Engaging with the dynamic forces of the formal and informal in Johannesburg, the work of 26’10 south Architects is embedded in a unique mode of thinking that has led to intertwining theory and practice, the co-production of knowledge through actively engaging citizens and capacity building through academic studios. Evidence based research on the social, transformative capacity of the built environment and questions on the functional and qualitative impact of urban interventions, negotiate design-ambition within limited project budgets and the interrogation of policy and government agendas as multiple baselines from which to actively impact complex urbanities.
About Anne Graupner
Anne Graupner is an architect and urban designer with a master’s degree from the University of applied Arts in Vienna (Studio Zaha Hadid) where she graduated cum laude. Since returning to her city of birth in 2003 she has worked for two years at GAPP Architects and Urban Designers, playing a key role in developing urban design frameworks in Johannesburg aimed at revitalising the inner city. She is a co-founder of 26'10 south Architects in Johannesburg, which was identified as the top emerging practice in South Africa in an international round-up of architects in 2012 (Backstage Award, Venice).
She has lectured and taught at various schools including the Columbia University (GSAPP), Graduate School of Architecture (GSA), the AA in London, University of Cordoba in Argentina, Temple University in Philadelphia and has conceptualised international student exchange projects and several international travel-exhibitions.
- You can read a summary of the colloquium talk on our Reports webpage.