The role of technology in the production of urban security

In Montevideo, urban security is produced by diverse modes of technology. ISTP’s Jonas Hagmann and UdelaR’s Diego Sanjurjo encounter mundane fortifications in residential areas, a highly sophisticated public police force, and a non-tech penitentiary on fieldwork.
ISTP Colloquium: Prof. Andrea Castelletti

Our invited guest speaker will provide an overview of soft-path solutions for hard water problems based on evidence from the Italian sub-alpine lake district. The talk will take place at the Institute of Science, Technology and Policy on Tuesday, 30th October 2018 at 17:15 - 18:30.
The Programmatic and Institutional (Re-) Configuration of the Swiss National Security Field

What new governance arrangements do transnational dangers stimulate? ISTP’s Senior Researcher Jonas Hagmann’s unprecedentedly detailed, practice-oriented and inter-scalar cartography of Swiss security work published by SPSR, available open access.
Update: ISTP Colloquium Schedule Autumn Semester 2018

We are happy to announce additional speakers for our colloquium seminars. The updated schedule for the ISTP Colloquium series for the autumn semester 2018 is now online.
Do exemptions undermine environmental policy support?

ISTP's director Thomas Bernauer, Liam F. McGrath together with Aseem Prakash of University of Washington, recently published an article in Regulation & Governance. It deals with the question whether expemptions undermine environmental policy support. The authors investigate the odd-even road space rationing policy in India using a survey experiment.
PhD Position - Environmental Policy

The International Political Economy Group of Prof. Dr. Thomas Bernauer is offering a fully funded position for a doctoral student in environmental policy.