STP Alumni Foundation

We are pleased to announce the foundation of the STP Alumni, a group which connects former students of the Institute for Science, Technology and Policy. Since 2019 the group is open for graduated MSc and MAS students as well as doctoral candidates.
ISTP City Development Exhibition in Bogota

Learn more about an ISTP Exhibition in the Architecture Museum in Bogota on the Island City, the City of Fences and Gated Communities starting on Tuesday, 29 August 2019.
Symposium on Science, Technology and Public Policy (SiP #6)

On Tuesday, 17th September 2019, 17:15 - 18:45, the 6th SiP Talk will be held in the Main Building of ETH Zürich (HG G 60). Visit us to see speakers of world leading technical universities talking about key societal challenges whose solutions are likely to emerge at the intersection of science, technology, and public policy, discussing how to institutionalize policy-focused, interdisciplinary research, as well as teaching in this field.