SWI swissinfo.ch announced on Friday, December 20, 2019 a historic nuclear shutdown in Switzerland

The 47-year-old Mühleberg nuclear power plant, near Bern, was permanently switched off on Friday. This is the first of five Swiss nuclear power reactor to be decommissioned.
Promoting energy efficiency in car transportation through user experience or information?

ISTP PhD student Gracia Brückmann investigated the impact of user experience and information on car holders’ perceptions of EV attributes, and preferences regarding policies to promote energy-efficient cars. The results were presented at the 4th AIEE Energy Symposium in Rome on Wednesday, December 11, 2019.
Congratulations to ISTP PhD Student Michael Wicki

We are delighted to announce that ISTP PhD student Michael Wicki successfully defended his thesis on Wednesday, 18 December 2019. We would like to congratulate him warmly and wish him all the best for his future career!
Open position: Graphics design/report writing job in the project Swiss Environmental Panel

Call for a graphics design/report writing job under student research assistant terms in the project Swiss Environmental Panel of ETH Zurich.
Learning from Mobility Research for Policy

As part of Swiss Mobility Lab’s work at ISTP, the Lab hosted an interactive workshop on Monday, 9 December 2019 to share its research results and exchange ideas with invited policy-makers and planners.
Swiss Environmental Panel: First Descriptive Results for the Third Panel Wave

The Swiss Environmental Panel explores public opinion in Switzerland in relation to environmental preferences and behavior, changes therein, and linkages to preferences and behavior in other policy realms.