Promoting energy efficiency in car transportation through user experience or information?

ISTP PhD student Gracia Brückmann investigated the impact of user experience and information on car holders’ perceptions of EV attributes, and preferences regarding policies to promote energy-efficient cars. The results were presented at the 4th AIEE Energy Symposium in Rome on Wednesday, December 11, 2019.

 4th AIEE Energy Symposium

The motivation for this study was two-fold. Firstly, to identify whether consumers' prejudices against electric cars can be changed through information, considering that currently consumers are still lacking knowledge on EVs (Long et al. 2019). Secondly, to test specific incentives, which could serve as policy options to promote EVs.

The survey participants were randomly assigned to one of three experimental treatment groups: (a) information on Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs), (b) the same information on BEVs, plus test-driving of such a car; and (c) a control group with neither (a) nor (b).

The main conclusions drawn from this study are that both provided treatments can increase the knowledge about EVs, and have the potential to close the gap between perceived and actual EV attributes. However, it was found that these interventions do not alter car purchase intentions or policy beliefs. A second follow-up survey has already been planned to further investigate car holders’ perceptions.

You can download the presentation of the talk Downloadhere (PDF, 4.1 MB).

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