Learning from Mobility Research for Policy

As part of Swiss Mobility Lab’s work at ISTP, the Lab hosted an interactive workshop on Monday, 9 December 2019 to share its research results and exchange ideas with invited policy-​​makers and planners.

Swiss Mobility Lab Workshop

Purpose & Setup

Participants included ‘practitioners’ from sectors and organisations central to Swiss mobility (transportation, energy, spatial development) at the federal and cantonal level, as well as scientists, from PhD candidates to professors, from the Swiss Mobility Lab. The purpose of this event was to:

  1. Promote an exchange around research done at the Swiss Mobility Lab that supports discussion and learning among participants.
  2. Share relevant results with the invited policy-makers and planers.
  3. Identify key open questions and potential lines of collaboration for future research.

The event involved interactive exercises during which participants came up with numerous policy-relevant research questions and topics in the context of mobility, defended and challenged each other’s ideas about their policy-relevance, and provided useful insights into advancements associated with the field of mobility.


The workshop was structured in two thematic units, the “Decarbonisation in mobility”, addressing, among others, the topic of how to incentivize electric vehicle adoption, and “The future of public transportation: autonomous vehicles and vehicle sharing”, focusing on self-driving busses and taxis, mobility as a service (MaaS), as well as mobility pricing and pricing of MaaS bundles. The participants were split into three working groups; developing a discussion at a broad, varied level – from EV’s relevance for policy and planning to collective mobility and competition between public transport providers and private companies. The event also highlighted the role of an institute such as the ISTP, which can provide research outcomes relevant to ongoing debates.

We can conclude that the workshop was a success in meeting its objectives.

Find out more about the Mobility Workshop and the Swiss Mobility Lab at the Institute of Science, Technology and Policy.

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