Reflecting on the 6th Symposium on Science, Technology and Public Policy
We would like to warmly thank Prof. Ambuj Sagar from the Indian Institute of Technology, Prof. Noelle Selin from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Prof. Joanna Chataway from the University College London for their visit to the ISTP and their interesting and insightful discussion with Prof. Sarah Springman and Prof. Tobias Schmidt about the importance of science and technology in public policy-making.
by Niklas Stolz

"How can the world’s leading technical universities tackle the most urgent societal problems by focussing on public policy making in the field of science and technology?" This was the key question of the Symposium on Science, Technology and Public Policy that took place at ETH Zurich’s historical Semper Aula on the 17th September. To address this question the respective heads of the departments and study programs on the interface of Science, Technology and Public Policy from some of the best technical universities of the world came together to showcase efforts, successes and challenges that their departments are facing in education and research.
We would like to thank all invited guests warmly for their visit as well as for their interesting insights to the institutional science and technology policy efforts and hope to welcome them at ETH Zurich again soon!
For more information and the full report, please visit our Reports page.