SWI swissinfo.ch published in November an insightful article under the title: «Gletscherschmelze fördert Konflikte ums Wasser»

News and information platform SWI swissinfo.ch recently published an article about the retreat of glaciers and the potential water conflicts arise. Paolo Burlando, Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources Management at ETH Zurich, highlights that conflicts over water resources are going to be significantly increased in the near future.

SWI_glaciers and conflicts
Keystone / Arno Balzarini

Glaciers comprise 95% of our freshwater resources and are essential for the drinking water supply. However, due to climate change glaciers retreat leading to increasing resource conflicts, advocates ETH Prof. Paolo Burlando. This calls for policies to effectively deal with the conflicts that may arise.

For the full article, please visit external pageSWI swissinfo.ch news portal (available in german).  

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