Schools 2018
Below you can find information regarding the Summer & Spring Schools offered by the ISTP during 2018.
3rd - 7th September 2018

Filzbach, Switzerland
The emphasis of this summer school is on:
- measuring and assessing the environmental footprint of countries, industries, firms, and people;
- government/state-led measures for reducing the environmental footprint within and beyond the respective country;
- firm- and industry-level measures to that end; and
- voluntary consumer measures.
This summer school combines interactive teaching with teamwork, whose results the students will present on the fifth and final day of the school.
Find out more about the IDEA League Summer School 2018 in Switzerland.
16th - 20th July 2018
CREATE Tower, Singapore
The Science, Technology and Policy Workshop 2018 focuses upon science, technology and policy issues related to Industry 4.0: AI, cybersecurity, robotics, and governing disruptive changes. This five-day workshop aims to provide graduate students with an understanding of the role of science and technology in public policy.
Find out more about the Summer School 2018 in Singapore.
29th January 2018 - 9th February 2018

Cape Town, South Africa
This Spring School is based in South Africa, and offers analytical and empirical insights into the distinctive challenges and dynamics of living with urban (in-)security in a low-income neighbourhood. It entails (1) lectures on the Southern Urbanism, socio-spatial exclusion, and everyday security politics, (2) participation in an international urban studies conference and networking with city hall practitioners, (3) training fieldwork methodology, and (4) on-site research on select dimensions of everyday urban (in-)security in a Cape Town township.
Find out more about the Spring School 2018 in Cape Town.